Category: Dog Health

Pancreatitis in dogs: treatment

When caught early, canine pancreatitis is often treatable. However, you must be prepared to make permanent changes to your pet’s diet. Inflammation of the pancreas, also known as pancreatitis, causes severe digestive and metabolic disorders. The inflamed organ has trouble continuing to secrete enough enzymes to break down food into its smallest components. As a result, digestion no longer works properly. The disease manifests itself in your dog, for example, in abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vomiting

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Bach flowers for anxiety in dogs

Bach flowers are an alternative remedy that can be used for various mental ailments – anxiety in dogs is one of them. Is your four-legged friend rather tense and afraid of many everyday situations? Then you may be able to help him with herbal remedies. For example, some Bach flowers are suitable for treating anxiety in dogs. Bach flower therapy: what is behind it? Bach flowers against fear in dogs – can that help, and

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Hair loss in dogs: is the four-legged friend sick?

If your dog suddenly sheds more fur than usual, this hair loss can have several causes. A few signals can help you distinguish between normal and disease-related fur loss. When and how much hair a dog loses varies from breed to breed and depends on the housing conditions. While some dogs only shed a decent amount of wool twice a year during the moult, others shed year-round. Normal hair loss in dogsIf the following features

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Heart failure in dogs: symptoms

Heart failure or heart failure can present a variety of symptoms in a dog. These are caused by the dog’s heart pumping too little blood into the circulatory system, resulting in an undersupply of oxygen in the body. The symptoms of heart failure in dogs do not usually show up overnight, but are just as insidious as the disease develops. You should pay attention to these signals. Heart failure: exhaustion and bad condition If a

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Epilepsy in dogs: causes and symptoms

Epilepsy in dogs is a central nervous system disorder in which seizures occur due to temporary disturbances in normal brain function. Below we describe the possible causes and symptoms of the disease. About 1-2% of all dogs are affected by epilepsy. The disease is manifested by seizures caused by over-excited nerve cells in the brain. There is primary and secondary epilepsy. Primary epilepsy in dogs: causesPrimary epilepsy is hereditary. The cause of the seizures in

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Removal of tartar in dogs

Bacteria, poor diet and improper tooth cleaning can cause tartar in dogs. Here you can find out why you should not remove the plaque yourself but rather consult a veterinarian. If you have found tartar in your four-legged friend, you should take him to the vet. It is better to leave the removal of the deposits to a professional. The doctor can best assess how pronounced the plaque is and select the treatment method. The

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Diagnosis and Lyme disease therapy in dogs

An infection with Lyme disease can have serious consequences – even long after the actual tick bite. That is why Lyme disease therapy is just as important in dogs as in humans. Tick-borne Lyme disease is symptom-free in most cases, so it often goes undetected. However, in the course of the disease and various inflammatory reactions and pain in the joints, heart disease, neurological deficits or symptoms of paralysis can also occur. The earlier Lyme

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Prevent ticks: How to protect your dog

To keep your dog fit and healthy, you need to prevent ticks almost all year round. The insidious, blood-sucking arachnids can also withstand cooler weather and only become rigid when the temperature falls below 7 degrees. With the following tips, you can protect your dog from the beasts. The risk of tick bites is particularly high from spring to late autumn. A walk through the forest can be fatal for the dog because the parasites

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Are mixed breeds healthier than pedigree dogs?

Mixed breeds suffer less often from diseases than pedigree dogs – this is a widely held view among dog lovers. But is that even true? Are mixed-breed dogs healthier than their purebred counterparts? The reason mixed breeds are said to be healthier than pedigree dogs is not wrong in principle. Mixed-breed dogs come from a larger gene pool than purebred four-legged friends, so theoretically, the risk of hereditary diseases and inbreeding-related malformations should be lower.

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Causes of obesity in dogs: why are they overweight?

Obesity in dogs is often downplayed. It can have devastating health consequences if four-legged friends are too fat. The leading causes are that the dog overeats food and moves too little. But how can this happen? A treat here, a piece of sausage there – little by little, such treats can lead to obesity in the dog. If your dog does not exercise enough, even the food portion recommended for its breed, size, and age

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