Bach flowers are an alternative remedy that can be used for various mental ailments – anxiety in dogs is one of them.

Is your four-legged friend rather tense and afraid of many everyday situations? Then you may be able to help him with herbal remedies. For example, some Bach flowers are suitable for treating anxiety in dogs.
Bach flower therapy: what is behind it?
Bach flowers against fear in dogs – can that help, and how does homoeopathic therapy work? 38 Bach flowers can treat various mental illnesses in both humans and dogs. Bach flower therapy was developed in the 1930s by Dr Edward Bach, the English doctor. He made essences from different flowers, which positively affect other states of mind and are supposed to bring the psyche back into balance.
Which Bach flowers help against anxiety in dogs?
In addition to many other states of mind, anxiety in dogs can also be treated with Bach flowers. Depending on the type of fear, different essences can be used for this:
● Aspen against the fear of strangers or dogs
● Mimulus against the fear of loud noises or other concrete things
● Rock Rose against panic after traumatic experiences
Usually, the animal naturopath puts together a different essence from different flowers for each dog – according to the individual suffering of the animal. There are now many ready-made preparations for dogs to buy, but you should first discuss the intended therapy with a veterinarian. He can best assess what will help your darling and whether another form of treatment would not make more sense. Otherwise, there is nothing to be said against treatment with Bach flowers regarding fear in dogs.
Bach flowers for acute anxiety in your dog
For situations that trigger acute fear in the dog, such as going to the vet or an accident, so-called rescue drops can also be administered. These are composed of the following five Bach flower essences:
● Cherry Plum
● Clematis
● Impatiens
● Rock Rose
● Star of Bethlehem
Attention: The rescue drops must not be used for permanent treatment against fear in dogs!
Bach flowers miracle cure? How long does a treatment take?
Many years of experience show that dogs respond well to Bach flowers, especially in the case of acute mental disorders. Hence, a behaviour change is often evident after just a few days. The longer a problematic behaviour is stored in a dog’s brain and thus consolidated, the more difficult and lengthy it is to use any alternative medical treatment. Bach flowers against fear in dogs cannot work miracles or change the four-legged friend’s behaviour overnight, but they support positive development in the long term, even in hardship cases.
This is how Bach flowers are dosed and administered.
You can get the Bach flowers in so-called stock bottles. You can obtain these bottles containing 10 ml from a pharmacy or online. You must dilute the concentrates with still, non-carbonated water before administration. In principle, a combination of several Bach flower essences against anxiety in dogs is also an option. You can mix them yourself, but you shouldn’t mix more than six to eight. If in doubt, ask your veterinarian and your alternative animal practitioner.
The right dosage depends mainly on the size of the dog. For small breeds, three drops administered three times a day are sufficient. Medium sizes get five and large dogs ten drops three times a day. Again, talk to your vet about the right ratio to get the best result.