The Podenco is an exceptional dog that, with its extraordinary character, belongs in the hands of an experienced dog owner. He is headstrong, confident, and sometimes known not to pay too much attention to a human’s commands.

Podencos have a powerful hunting instinct, which is mainly aimed at rabbits. They are happy and busy when they can also pursue this natural need. The enthusiasm for hunting is, of course, particularly evident when going for a walk: there, a representative of this breed is attentive, curious, courageous, sensitive to stimuli and also likes to use small opportunities to become self-employed. If he is busy, he shows himself from his best side inside.
Podenco: Agreeable and social
In addition to its need to hunt, the social, affectionate nature is also very typical of the Podenco. He loves being around other dogs, playing and cuddling with them. At home, the dog is calm, gentle, cuddly and friendly. He likes to be involved in everything his owner does – after all, the curious fellow has to be able to follow everything closely. He becomes very attached to his owner if he has managed to convince him of his friendship. He has to warm up to strangers first.
Sensitive and headstrong character
The Podenco is a susceptible dog that tolerates neither coercion nor harshness. He likes to use his high level of intelligence to test possible advantages in terms of his freedom: Anyone who has trained the dog well must still expect that the four-legged friend will keep pushing whether something is right for him in terms of prohibitions or hierarchy has changed. Of course, staying consistent is incredibly important.
When the Podenco is given a command, he must first consider whether it is worth obeying. If he decides against it, the dog owner gets to know his stubborn, almost feline side and has to come up with something to get his dog to do what he wants.