There are a lot of herding dogs out there today—dog breeds that were bred to be particularly good at working with humans and doing tasks like herding livestock. Here you will find a selection.

Modern herding or cattle dogs are usually descended from the old shepherd or farm dogs. Defensiveness played a significant role back then – the robust dogs had to be able to take on wolves, bears and other predators. Today it is more about agility and endurance.
Well-established herding dogs: shepherds and collies
The German Shepherd is the all-rounder among the dog breeds. For centuries, reliable and intelligent animals have proven their worth as herding dogs. German shepherds are used worldwide as herding dogs and as guards, companions, service, rescue, and utility dogs. A German Shepherd needs patient training and must be constantly challenged, both physically and mentally.
Collies also have a prosperous past and present as weatherproof herding dogs. They all herded sheep in the Scottish highlands centuries ago with a keen eye and quickstep, whether average collie, bearded collie or border collie. The fur shaggy are also ideal as sporty family dogs, as they are friendly, responsible and usually very cuddly.
Other reliable dog breeds: Komondor, Bobtail and Co.
The Komondor looks like a real Rastafarian. The shaggy, long strands of fur hide that the Komondor is an excellent herding dog. The unique fur, which sometimes hardly differs from the sheep to be guarded, gives special protection against all kinds of weather. The dogs from Hungary need a lot of exercise and activity.
The latter also applies to the Bobtail. The herding dog, which is also blessed with many furs, is called the Old English Sheepdog, which also classifies it as a working dog from the name. The Bobtail cuts a perfect figure on the pasture and within a family.
Other dog breeds suitable for herding dogs are, for example, the Australian Shepherd, the Australian Cattle Dog, the Briard, the Shetland Sheepdog and the Kuvasz or the Welsh Corgi Cardigan.