Of course, you want to buy high-quality dog food for your four-legged friend. However, this is often not easy to recognize as such. Use these tips to find good quality pet food.

So that your dog is supplied with essential nutrients and energy, high-quality dog food offers a good balance between carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Tips: Avoid cheap fillers
For example, many cheap feed manufacturers use corn or grain as cheap fillers to enrich the feed. Although they fill you up, they are not well tolerated by many dogs in large quantities. Grain-free dog foods are usually of better quality. Of course, that doesn’t mean that expensive dog food automatically has to be high-quality. Even cheaper varieties can offer a good combination of essential nutrient suppliers.
High-quality dog food: It’s all in the mix
When you buy dog food, you should always make sure that it contains as little or no artificial ingredients as possible. These include colourings, preservatives, but also flavour enhancers. Many animal lovers also value the fact that the food for their darling is produced without animal testing. After all, they don’t want other animals to suffer for their pet’s food.
In general, you should pay attention to the composition of the feed. High-quality dog food contains a good proportion of protein suppliers. This includes cooked meat from chicken, lamb or beef. Dairy products can also be processed to a limited extent – however, many dogs suffer from lactose intolerance and can only tolerate very little of it. Vegetable ingredients such as soy or potatoes and small amounts of cereal flakes provide the necessary carbohydrates that give your dog energy.