You put on your shoes, leave the apartment, and off you go: your dog barks and howls. Separation anxiety in dogs can be a significant problem for humans and animals. This can go so far that dog owners feel downright nasty when they work or with friends. And the dog also suffers from massive stress during the time without a mistress or master, which can manifest itself, for example, in the fact that it destroys things at home. The following five tips will help you prevent separation anxiety in dogs.

There are many possible causes of separation anxiety in dogs. For example, the dog’s traumatic fears in childhood through specific experiences – such as in the mother-puppy relationship – can be responsible. However, dog behavior is often based on the wrong behavior of the mistress or master. In this case, dog owners should follow the following tips:
- Don’t say goodbye to the dog
It’s essential not to validate your dog’s separation anxiety. Here the farewell plays a decisive role. If you hug your dog insistently or even apologetically before leaving, talk to him for a few minutes and then, in the worst case, leave the apartment with your full attention on the dog, you are showing the dog that it has reason to be sad or to feel uncomfortable. Dogs are not children that you explain why you go and that you will come back.
Please do not say goodbye to your dog at all or most offer a little petting. As the “leader of the pack,” he needs to understand that you decided to keep him at home. Your dog will only feel safe if you make this decision confidently and confidently. It must be expected for him that you go and don’t always take him with you.
- Do not greet the dog immediately
The same applies to the greeting. Your separation anxiety dog will undoubtedly be thrilled when you come home and will probably greet you enthusiastically. Even if it is difficult, you should not greet your dog. So at best, he understands that it’s normal for you to come back after you’ve left and that there’s nothing special about being away for a few hours. Wait about five minutes or until your dog has calmed down, and then make up for the greeting by cuddling and petting your Sofawolf.
- Use the dog well
One cause of separation anxiety can be that your dog isn’t getting enough exercise. He then gets bored and has energies in him that he cannot release alone at home. At worst, his imbalance will manifest itself in destructiveness, and you’ll find your shoes bitten, or your sofa cushions were torn when you come home. Therefore, ensure that your dog gets a species-appropriate run, has enough play and fun, and, ideally, rests first when you leave it alone. Tip: A long walk right before the breakup will ensure that your dog can burn off some energy and be relaxed and energized when you step out the door.
- Treat a dog like a dog
A rule that every dog owner should always be heeded and consistently observed: treat your dog like a dog and not like a human being. Dogs need to understand that you, as the “leader of the pack,” call the shots and dictate what is right and wrong. Having your dog by your side 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and constantly mothering it, the contrast is too significant when you’re away and he’s alone.
- Practice being alone
Dogs can learn to be alone and get used to it over time. Here’s how to prevent separation anxiety in dogs by gradually getting them used to be without you. At first, leave your dog alone for just a few minutes and gradually increase the amount of time you are away without saying goodbye or greeting. Over time, your four-legged friend will, at best, notice that it is normal to be alone once in a while.