When a beloved dog dies, the pain is great – after all, pets are family members to us. A virtual animal cemetery offers dog lovers the opportunity to mourn together online and find consolation and sympathy with like-minded people.

A virtual animal cemetery serves to preserve and share memories of the beloved four-legged friend – whether dog, cat, small animal, or bird. Sometimes the best way to deal with grief and pain is to meet with people who are also grieving the loss of their pet and who can empathize with those affected.
Mourn online in a virtual pet cemetery with a click of the mouse
The loss of a loyal companion is painful and emotionally very stressful. A virtual pet cemetery can help overcome your pain. On the one hand, a cemetery is a place of loss but also of beautiful memories of your four-legged friend.
The focus here is on working through the loss and grief together. You need not be ashamed of your tears; losing a beloved pet is an experience shared by many. In virtual animal cemeteries, you as a dog owner can process your pain together, talk about it with like-minded people, and find comfort.
Find like-minded people online.
There are several providers of virtual animal cemeteries on the Internet. Among these, there are free and paid versions. Find out more about the conditions that are offered. In most cases, paid portals do not provide much-added value. In the virtual animal cemeteries, you can set up your own “gravestone” or create so-called consolation pages that you can design yourself: Store photo albums, your dog biography, or pictures you have painted yourself to process the loss of your deceased companion.
When you join a virtual pet cemetery, you are part of a large community. Anyone can visit your comfort page, lay flowers, light candles, or write condolence. And you, too, can comfort others who are grieving. Giving each other comfort can help you get over your pain.
What are the options for animal burial?
The virtual pet cemetery is only for sharing memories of the deceased dog or other pets. The actual burial still takes place without the Internet. There are different possibilities:
● Cremation in the crematorium
● Cemeteries for animals
● Animal burial in your garden
● Common human-animal cemetery
● Taxidermy
In the animal crematorium, you can have your dog cremated either individually or with other animals. While single cremation is more expensive, it allows you to take the urn home with your beloved four-legged friend’s ashes. Whether you want to keep them or scatter the ashes is your choice. At the animal cemetery, you can have your darling buried like a human family member and then have to factor in the grave rent.
Many mourners prefer animal burial in your garden because it is the most personal, and the deceased dog still stays close by. Unfortunately, it is not allowed everywhere. To determine whether you are permitted to bury your four-legged friend in the garden or whether this is prohibited in your state or where you live. Burial in the garden is not allowed, for example, near water and nature reserves or if your dog has died of a notifiable disease. It is also strictly forbidden to bury your pet in public parks and forests.
If you want to be buried with your pet, you can do so at human-animal cemeteries. There are common urn graves for you and your four-legged friend. Taxidermy isn’t for everyone, but another way to keep your dog with you after it’s gone is by taxidermy. The pet is stuffed so that it looks as lifelike as possible.