A dog house should be where your dog feels comfortable and can relax – ideally at any time of the year. The right dog house equipment is the be-all and end-all, especially when it comes to safety. Protection from cold, heat, wind, and weather should be provided.

Just as there are different types and sizes of dog houses, there are countless ways in which you can set up the dog house. For four-legged friends to feel comfortable in their kennels, they must primarily please the fur noses – you can create the right conditions for this with the following tips.
Dog House: Safety means protection from environmental influences
Even in low and high temperatures and unpleasant weather such as rain and wind, your furry friend should feel comfortable in their outdoor home. Therefore, make sure that the kennel is in a wind-protected place in the garden. Proper insulation is essential. The floor should be equipped with a heat-insulating underlay that prevents the dog house from directly contacting the cold, damp floor. If it is freezing in the winter months, straw can also be placed in the dog house. The following applies to hot summer days: Do not place the dog house in the blazing sun. Sufficient ventilation should always be provided. If it gets too hot inside, the dog is at risk of heatstroke. A freshly filled water bowl is a must in summer.
In addition to the floor, the walls and roof must also be well insulated. It is best to look out for double walls and a double top to ensure adequate insulation. Ideally, the kennel should have an outer wall and an inner wall with an insulating layer in the middle made of materials such as Styrofoam, wood shavings, sheep’s wool, or sawdust. The same applies to the roof. It is best to get advice on the properties of the respective kennel before you buy it. In addition, you should make sure that there are no harmful substances in the materials used. It is, therefore, best to pay attention to seals of quality such as the CE mark. Sharp objects or even protruding nails and edges are also taboo, as your dog can injure themselves on them.
Equipment for the cozy kennel
Not only do people like to be comfortable between blankets and pillows, but dogs also appreciate cozy furnishings. These don’t have to be new, but they shouldn’t be dirty or smell bad either – in general, you should choose pillows or blankets that you can regularly clean for hygiene reasons. Tip: There are blankets in specialist shops that have a rubber layer on the underside and therefore do not constantly slip in the dog house. In principle, you can set up the dog house in terms of comfort like a dog basket, only larger.
So that your dog has fun and activity, dog toys should also be in his house. What could be nicer for the woof than relaxing comfortably in the dog house and biting a bit on a chewing bone? In addition to toys, you can also place water bowls and food bowls in the kennel.