Seven no-gos in dog training: these goofs are taboo

If your dog doesn’t do what you say or doesn’t listen at all, you’ve probably made a mistake or two when it comes to dog training. Whether a dog is obedient or disobedient depends primarily on your upbringing. You should avoid these seven no-gos when training a dog.

You say “sit,” and your dog barks. You call “stay,” and your dog runs away? This isn’t because your dog is trying to get at you or even because he’s being stupid; it’s probably because of one of the following dog training mistakes.

  1. Inconsistency

If you want to train your dog, you must do so with determination and consistency. Inconsistency in dog training is an absolute no-go and sometimes confuses your four-legged friend. If you set specific rules, they must be followed. For example, if you give him something from the breakfast table now and then, but you have the power that the dog doesn’t get any human food, next time Wuff won’t understand why you are angry when he begs and doesn’t give him anything. You should not respond to begging. Otherwise, the dog will always try when he wants something!

  1. Contradictions

Also, a form of inconsistency: contradictions in dog training. Dogs associate your command with your facial expressions and gestures. Be specific in your orders and match your body language with the power. If you quietly and shyly “Off!” whisper, your dog may not understand the urgency of the command. A definite and clear “Off!” he takes it seriously.

  1. rudeness

Dogs learn proper behavior best through positive experiences. Violence and ruthless violence are taboo in dog training! Rough upbringing will not result in the behavior you want but rather destroy the human-dog friendship and promote behavioral disorders.

  1. Humanization

A dog should be a full member of the family. But a dog should also be a dog and not be humanized. It confuses dogs when treated like humans. For example, if your furry friend is afraid in a particular situation, such as the postman, you should not pet and soothe it, but instead calmly and with a loving and calm gesture signal that there is no reason for the fear. Otherwise, acknowledge his concerns.

Also necessary: Don’t carry your dog around without reason. Unless your four-legged friend is injured or cannot climb stairs or walk for other reasons, you should not pick him up. Dogs are animals and do not want to be treated like humans. They usually feel uncomfortable if you pick them up because they no longer feel solid ground under their paws. This is true for Great giant Danes as it is for tiny Chihuahuas.

  1. Wrong timing

It doesn’t matter whether it’s positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement – ​​the timing always has to be correct. Dogs live in the here and now. Suppose you want to reward your dog with a dog treat or praise for specific behavior. In that case, you must do so immediately after the behavior so that he associates the reward with the behavior. A tip that is too late has no effect. It would help if you also had the right timing for commands. You’ll only confuse your dog if you yell “stop” several feet from an obstacle rather than right in front of it.

  1. Multiple Commands

You are speaking of commands. Your dog is probably not deaf and will understand you the first time. If you keep shouting “down” and your animal partner doesn’t respond, it’s not because you haven’t called five or ten times enough; you need to train the command correctly. Constant sonication undermines your authority and is annoying for everyone involved.

  1. Impatience

Patience is a virtue and essential in dog training. Mistakes in learning are a part of both humans and dogs. It is vital that you are always patient with your four-legged friend and never overwhelm him. If your dog ever has trouble with an exercise, don’t push him or get angry; move easier or try again at a different time.

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