Ultrasound examination of the dog: what to expect

Do you have to take your dog to an ultrasound scan? The method is harmless and does not harm your four-legged friend. Here you can find out exactly how sonography works on dogs and how high the costs can be.

An ultrasound examination in dogs is used, among other things, to examine organs such as the heart, lungs, liver or kidneys. The method causes absolutely no pain, but some dogs find it uncomfortable.

Before ultrasound examination: shave the dog.

During the ultrasound examination, the veterinarian moves the ultrasound probe over the areas he wants to examine on your dog. The ultrasonic waves shine through the dog, displaying the image on a monitor. The vet can see if everything is fine inside your pet.

The transducer must make direct contact with the skin for the procedure to work. This means that a piece of fur must be shaved off or clipped for the sonography. Before the examination, the vet applies a contact gel to prevent air between the transducer and the skin.

Tip for the preparation: Take your dog for a long walk before the examination so that he can relieve himself. Even if the test only takes a few minutes, your furry friend is certainly more relaxed if she doesn’t feel the need to lift her leg.

Position during sonography

Your four-legged friend has to sit, lie, or stand depending on which regions are examined.

• Abdominal organs: A supine or lateral position is usually required here

• Heart: The examination of the heart is usually done while standing or sitting

• Kidneys: The kidneys are examined in a lying position

• Liver: The liver examination is also carried out in a lying position

How long does the investigation take?

The painless and risk-free procedure of the ultrasound examination usually takes no longer than a few minutes, but it can annoy some dogs mainly because the treatment is just weird for the four-legged friend. However, anaesthesia is usually not necessary. You can generally be present during the ultrasound examination and can calm your dog down. This certainly makes the situation more bearable for him.

Cost of an ultrasound scan for dogs

In most cases, the costs for sonography are covered by dog ​​health insurance, provided you have taken out one. Otherwise, the ultrasound examination usually costs around 30 euros, although the costs can vary from veterinary practice to veterinary practice. Your veterinarian will be happy to provide you with the requested information.

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