Dangerous Temptation: Prompt treatment by the vet can become vital if your dog has overeaten chocolate. Severe chocolate poisoning has long-term consequences for your four-legged friend.

Chocolate is toxic to dogs! The sooner you get one
Recognizing chocolate poisoning in your dog, the better. Prompt treatment can prevent your four-legged friend from suffering permanent damage. Because the theobromine contained in the cocoa bean quickly gets into the dog’s blood and is only broken down by the body very slowly. Problematic: There is no antidote.
Medical treatment for chocolate poisoning
If it hasn’t been more than two hours since your dog ate chocolate, the vet will try to make him vomit: injecting an “emetic”, for example, with the active ingredient apomorphine. However, if the theobromine has already spread through the dog’s body, the chocolate poisoning is already too far advanced. Your four-legged friend will then also receive activated charcoal for treatment. This binds the toxins that can later be excreted with the faeces.
If your darling is already showing symptoms of chocolate poisoning in the dog and is vomiting or has severe diarrhoea, the doctor will also put on an infusion. The weakened circulation is stabilized with a particular medication. Necessary: Take the chocolate packaging with you to the vet. Try to estimate how much your faithful friend has eaten. Then the doctor can better determine the further treatment for chocolate poisoning.
When things have to be done quickly: help the dog yourself.
If you can’t get to the vet quickly enough, you need to treat your dog’s chocolate poisoning immediately. At best, follow the vet’s approach and try to get your dog to vomit. For support, you can take activated charcoal tablets for humans. They do not harm the four-legged friend and are effective. If your dog resists too much and doesn’t want to swallow the pill, place it on the back of your four-legged friend’s tongue and hold his snout up. A swallowing reflex is then triggered.
In any case, always consult a veterinarian as soon as possible. Only the expert can determine the best treatment for your dog. If you react correctly, the four-legged friend has a better chance of surviving chocolate poisoning without long-term consequences.