Dog recall is one of the essential things in dog training. Only when the four-legged friend returns to you reliably and safely on command can he enjoy all the freedom without a leash. But the recall doesn’t always work. Here are six ways it could be.

If the dog doesn’t hear, that’s not a good sign. There are situations in which a dog must come back to its mistress or master immediately when he or she calls for it – for example when danger is imminent.
- Dog never learned to recall
It is possible that the recall was never trained, and your four-legged friend does not even know that he should come to you when you call him. Therefore, recall training is essential from an early age. During recall training, the dog is trained to react to a specific command or signal step by step and then come to the owner. You can find helpful tips for preparing the recall in the guide: “Training the dog’s recall: tips for recall training.”
- Unclear recall command
Often the problem lies in expressing the basic command. A recall is done with a clear voice and unambiguous body language. It is also essential that you only use a specific recall command for the memory that the dog immediately recognizes that he should come back. Several words in a particular order may irritate him. The unique base has to be trained and can be a whistle or other sound in addition to a specific call such as “Come” or “Here.”
- Multiple Commands
Multiple commands are the wrong way. If the same thing is called repeatedly, it loses meaning for the dog. The dog is not hard of hearing and hears the command as soon as it is called. The problem here lies in the upbringing and not in the dog’s hearing.
- Dog was improperly trained
This point ties in with point one. If the dog has been improperly trained, it will not be able to implement the recall. Didn’t you always reward your four-legged friend when he returned to you during recall training? A dog trainer can help you practice recalling your dog if you have trouble doing it.
- Incorrect or irritating body language
We often unconsciously give our furry friends obstructive signals in the form of body language. For example, if we are already running towards the dog while calling him back, Woof may not come because we are already approaching. Even if we unconsciously convey aggressiveness, stress, or other negative emotions, the dog will think twice about coming. A dog can already interpret a hunched upper body as not good for him to come.
- Dog can’t come back
Maybe your dog just can’t come back to you right now. This can have several reasons. Did different people call him at the same time? Is he afraid of something between your and the dog’s location? Does the dog have to satisfy a basic need at the moment and cannot easily interrupt this? Did the dog not hear your recall command?