We, humans, know that dogs should be trained consistently. It is best not to get into begging, jumping up, or making the bed or sofa for a nap without permission. But… Sometimes you can’t resist these cute four-legged friends. How do they do it?

Dogs usually try to get as many comforts as possible with as little effort as possible. Unfortunately, our four-legged friends are very selfish, but they don’t mean it badly. They don’t see that they should give up something comfortable or great for them without what they see as a valid reason. It’s not always easy for people to say no to their sugar-sweet Schnuffelschnute – and so the intelligent animals can learn which looks and gestures are best for wrapping their two-legged friends around their paws.
- “Can I get something?”: When dogs beg
As a tiny puppy and clumsy young dog, Bello and Co. find it easy to get treats from their human. However, if you allow yourself to be softened and only occasionally share your food with Woof, you shouldn’t be surprised later when the dog begs. Then this adorable four-legged friend sits patiently next to the table, maybe wags his tail, looks “sad,” and squeaks very quietly and heartbreakingly because he has learned that his favorite person, in this case, cannot say “no” and give something away. Ideally, it would help if you didn’t get your Knuffel to behave like this in the first place, but luckily it can be trained out again with patience and consistency. Unfortunately, that means you have to be strong and not be tempted to make an exception.
- “Come on! Notice me!”: Dog jumps at people
Initially, in nature, jumping up is a typical puppy behavior. They lick the snouts of their adult conspecifics when they come back from hunting so that they choke on food. Young dogs often try to reach the “snout” of their confidant and jump up on her since the human face is higher than a dog’s snout. If they are rewarded for it – for example, in the form of pats or attention – they can maintain this behavior and always use it when they want attention from their human. Even if it’s difficult because it’s cute: Teach your four-legged friend as early as possible not to jump at anyone.
- “I’m allowed to do that; I’m cute!”: Poke and lay your head on
This point often makes it particularly difficult for people to deny their furry face something. It’s so cute when dogs nudge you with their paws or nose, put their heads on your lap and look cute. The paw nudge can be traced back to the milk step of small puppies – puppies use their paws to massage the teats of their dog mom when suckling so that more milk comes out. Later, they try to get treats from their hearts people with a similar gesture. This behavior, too, can take on a life of its own and develop into an undesirable habit if the begging is successful. If you want your cold nose to stop this behavior altogether, it’s best to ignore it. However, if you want him to stop begging for food, you can reward him with gentle stroking.
- “Oooh! Look how cute!”: Dog eyes melt people’s hearts
The dog look ensures that people release more of the “cuddling hormone” oxytocin. Most dog lovers find it difficult not to be softened by this. Dogs love to be noticed, stroked, and given food and like to make themselves comfortable. If they find that their cute puppy eyes help, they can learn to use them to get their way. Therefore, you must introduce and maintain specific rules clearly and consistently to avoid confusing your cuddle cheek. For example, if your four-legged friend is not allowed on the couch with muddy paws, he is generally not allowed on the sofa – no matter how cute he looks. If he’s not supposed to jump at strangers, he mustn’t jump at anyone, and so on.